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Fudi // FUN DIET

Personal Project 2021


Much more than just a scale, its central division allows you to make different dishes while maintaining the proportions of Harvard's healthy dish.

Fudi will be a smart device which, thanks to the FUDI app, will allow you to record the ingredients in your fridge, helping you to create healthier dishes as well as offering new recipes and combinations.

This new device represents a technological revolution on a nutritional level that provides consumers with the ultimate tool to make organising weekly menus and balanced meals easier than ever.


Eating healthy has

never been so

easy and fun.


and fruits



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In recent years, society has become more aware of the need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, however, the information necessary to create this type of diet is not always available to all users.


The evolution of networks and the internet has produced an over-information on the subject, nowadays we find an infinity of diets that promise to be healthy and this in many occasions do not achieve anything else but confuse the user.

This project was born from the search to find the solution in a simple way to an easy, healthy and adapted diet for any member of the family, based on the Harvard plate method, which all nutritionists agree on. 

The Healthy Plate, created by nutrition experts at the Harvard School of Public Health and the editors at Harvard Health Publications, is a guide to creating healthy, balanced meals either served on a plate or packed to take along for a snack or lunch.

This diet consists of balancing the exact percentages of each food category on a single plate, dividing them into fruits and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates.  

The proportions of this plate should be as follows:     

- 1/2 of our plate should be made up of vegetables and fruits.     

- 1/4 should be made up of whole grains, carbohydrates.   

 - 1/4 should be made up of protein.

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user experience

Fudi will allow you to create a new user experience around food, allowing you to personalise and save your preferences so that you can always have access to a healthy and balanced meal. Each member of the family will be able to access their user profile in the FUDI app, where they will find all their personalised menus that they have previously adjusted to their nutritional goals.

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how to use


Place it on the scale

Get instant feedback about the combination created

Record your information and evolution

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Select the food to be weighed






siri/alexa connection

Touch display

Stainless steel scale surface

Clean and intuitive design 

Touch display

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